Tuesday, August 4, 2015

(some sort of fake) Synergy

confession: i love Synergy w/chia. (it’s kombucha (basically just fermented tea) with chia seeds)
confession: i have sixteen dollars and fifty seven cents to my name which means
confession: i made some sort of fake Synergy for #FREE and
confession: it's really, really good. also,
confession: i listened to all five taylor swift albums today….AGAIN

disclaimer: this post is going to have a ton of photos, so bear with me here.

this is everything you'll need for this glorious drink. four ingredients.

okay. let us begin.
go grab a bag of your favorite tea. right now. my current favorite is Tazo’s Passion Herbal Tea. it tastes like joy + summer + everything, and is incredible hot, cold, lukewarm, or chia seed-ified. today, we’re going for chia seed-ified.

boil (or microwave) eight oz of water, aka one cup.

after the water has cooled, stir in the chia seeds. stir every minute or so for around 7-8 minutes, or until the seeds have gelled to your liking.

stir in about a teaspoon of honey for a touch of sweetness.

quick rant:

i recently read A Year Of No Sugar by Eve Schaub. long story short, she took her family off fructose and added sugar as an experiment. i respect the idea and the intent, and loved the observations she made about the way food and sugar have become so ingrained in our society. 

however, i found the execution of the project really misinformed. the family ate a dessert a month, so right off the bat it wasn't truly a "year of no sugar." if they were at a restuaunt ordering salad, they'd choose meat over salad, if the salad dressing had a drop of oragne juice in it. (luckily, she still let her family eat whole fruit.) one one occasion in the book, the only bread available had sugar in it, so they fed their kids potato chips for lunch (!!!!!!) instead. things like that. 

ALSO, she started baking with dextrose instead of fructose, because somehow a weird powdered sweetener extracted from corn is healthier than raw, organic honey????? it made me more upset than it probably should have, but my philosophy on sugar is quite different. i think that 

1. it's fine to eat sugar/white refined flour every once in a while because brownies rock, cookies are great, and life is short.
2. sweeteners like honey or pure maple syrup are quite different from the proccessed sweeteners that are hard to pronounce. (hydrogonated starch hydrolysate, anyone?)

anywayyyyyyy..... i got my honey at the cutest fruit stand on our most recent road trip. west coast road trips always result in me begging to stop at every roadside stand i see. yummm

i drank this beaut while listening to...you guessed it...tswizzle. it's the slightest bit bitter from the Passion, but has just the right touch of sweetness. the unique, gel-ly texture really matches the texture of the chia synergy i so dearly love. plus, it clocks in with 4.5 g protein and 7.5 g fiber (25% of the reccomended fiber intake for women!) it's missing the glorious acidic fizz of the original drink, but is a little bit sweeter, a little more flavorful, and doesn't take forever to ferment. woot woot

1 cup water
1 packet tea
1.5 tbs chia seeds
1 tsp honey

steep tea in hot water. let cool, then stir in chia seeds and honey for a cup of joy.

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